This is a call for the ones who love the awakenings of spring.
The electricity. The hope. The wildness. The feral yet gentle energy.
The roots. The unfolding. The blooming. The mist.
The renewal. The longer days. The becoming.
This is a call for writers who want something deeper. More embodied. More soulful. More primal. More riveting. More serene.
This is a call for those who are ready to stand in both their play and power. To fall into a rhythm in writing ceremonies.
To connect through story and sensory based prose.
To work through memory and desire and dream.
To find magic in the seemingly mundane.
To make sweet lifelong friends. To finally create the way we ache to create, are meant to create, and breathe to create.
Welcome home.
Are you wanting to improve your writing? Tap into the depths of your spirit? Expand your prose and poetry? Learn the craft in different inspired and gentle ways? Get inspired to write a book?
Then ceremonial writing is for you. ❤️
“It’s spring and it’s starting again, the longing that begins and begins and begins and begins.”-Kim Addonizzio